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lingoteach.h File Reference

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "lingdefs.h"


#define LINGOTEACH_H   1


lingConfigling_conf_init_config (lingchar *name, lingchar *file, const lingchar *lang_dtd, const lingchar *lesson_dtd)
void ling_conf_free_config (lingConfig *settings)
lingchar ** ling_lang_get_languages (lingConfig *settings)
int ling_lang_get_language_amount (lingConfig *settings)
lingcharling_lang_get_lang_translation (lingConfig *settings, lingchar *language, lingchar *translation)
lingcharling_lang_get_trans_language (lingConfig *settings, lingchar *translation, lingchar *language)
lingchar ** ling_lang_get_lang_translations (lingConfig *settings, lingchar **languages, lingchar *translation)
lingLessonling_lesson_new (void)
void ling_lesson_free (lingLesson *lesson)
lingLessonling_lesson_create (char *filename, lingConfig *settings)
lingLessonling_lesson_add (lingLesson *list, lingLesson *lesson)
lingLessonling_lesson_remove (lingLesson *lesson, lingLesson *node)
char * ling_lesson_get_path (lingLesson *lesson)
char * ling_lesson_set_path (lingLesson *lesson, char *path)
int ling_lesson_get_last_meaning_id (lingLesson *lesson)
int ling_lesson_get_meaning_amount (lingLesson *lesson)
int ling_lesson_get_translation_amount (lingLesson *lesson)
lingbool ling_lesson_save_lesson (lingLesson *lesson, char *filename)
char * ling_lesson_create_template (char *filename, int meanings, lingConfig *settings)
lingMeaningling_lesson_create_tree (lingLesson *lesson)
lingMeaningling_meaning_new (void)
lingMInfoling_meaning_info_new (void)
lingMeaningling_meaning_get_by_id (lingLesson *lesson, unsigned int id, lingchar *language)
lingMInfoling_meaning_get_information (lingMeaning *meaning)
lingcharling_meaning_get_description (lingMeaning *meaning)
lingcharling_meaning_get_phonetic (lingMeaning *meaning)
void ling_meaning_free (lingMeaning *meaning)
lingMeaningling_meaning_free_1 (lingMeaning *tree, lingMeaning *node)
void ling_meaning_info_free (lingMInfo *info)
lingLessonling_meaning_create_lesson (lingMeaning *meaning, lingConfig *settings, lingchar *type, lingchar *sound)
lingMeaningling_meaning_add (lingMeaning *tree, lingMeaning *meaning)
lingMeaningling_meaning_insert_after (lingMeaning *tree, lingMeaning *parent, lingMeaning *child)
lingMeaningling_meaning_replace (lingMeaning *tree, unsigned int id, lingMeaning *meaning)
lingcharling_meaning_get_sound (lingMeaning *meaning)
lingchar ** ling_meaning_get_images (lingMeaning *meaning)
void * ling_malloc (size_t size)
void ling_free (void *ptr)
void ling_strings_free (lingchar **array)

Define Documentation

#define LINGOTEACH_H   1

Function Documentation

void ling_conf_free_config lingConfig settings  ) 

Frees the memory hold by a lingConfig.

settings The lingConfig to free.

lingConfig* ling_conf_init_config lingchar name,
lingchar file,
const lingchar lang_dtd,
const lingchar lesson_dtd

Creates a new, empty lingConfig for usage. The lingConfig should be freed using ling_conf_free_config().

name The name of the application, which uses the library.
file The file, which contains the languages.
lang_dtd The DTD file, the language file has to validate against.
lesson_dtd The DTD file, the lessons have to validate against.
A new lingConfig.

void ling_free void *  ptr  ) 

Frees the memory hold by a pointer, which was previously allocated using ling_malloc().

ptr The pointer to free.

lingchar* ling_lang_get_lang_translation lingConfig settings,
lingchar language,
lingchar translation

Gets the translation of a language (based on the language file set in the lingConfig). The return value should be freed using ling_free().

settings The lingConfig to use for looking up the languages.
language The language to translate.
translation The language, in which the translation should be returned.
A language translation or NULL, if none found or an error occured.

lingchar** ling_lang_get_lang_translations lingConfig settings,
lingchar **  languages,
lingchar translation

Gets a list of translations of a passed language list (based on the language file set in the lingConfig). The return value should be freed using ling_strings_free().

settings The lingConfig to use for looking up the languages.
languages The language list to translate.
translation The language, in which the translation should be returned.
A NULL terminated list of language translations.

int ling_lang_get_language_amount lingConfig settings  ) 

Gets the amount of languages contained in a lingConfig.

settings The lingConfig to use for looking up the languages.
The total amount of languages or -1 on failure.

lingchar** ling_lang_get_languages lingConfig settings  ) 

Gets a NULL terminated list of the available languages (based on the language file set in the lingConfig). The return value should be freed using ling_strings_free().

settings The lingConfig to use for looking up the languages.
A NULL terminated list of the languages.

lingchar* ling_lang_get_trans_language lingConfig settings,
lingchar translation,
lingchar language

Gets the language id of a translated language (based on the file set in the lingConfig). The return value should be freed using ling_free().

settings The lingConfig to use for looking up the languages.
translation The translated language.
language The language which was used for the translation.
A language id or NULL, if none found or an error occured.

lingLesson* ling_lesson_add lingLesson list,
lingLesson lesson

Adds a lingLesson to a list of lingLessons.

list The lesson list, the new lesson should be added to.
lesson The lesson to add.
The modified list.

lingLesson* ling_lesson_create char *  filename,
lingConfig settings

Creates a lingLesson from a lesson file.

filename The full qualified path of the file.
settings The settings to use for the lesson.
A new lingLesson.

char* ling_lesson_create_template char *  filename,
int  meanings,
lingConfig settings

Creates a new template lesson with optional empty meanings. The function uses the application name specified in the settings as DTD indentifier.

filename The lesson file to create.
meanings The amount of meaning templates to create.
settings The settings to use.
The filename on success or NULL in case of an error.

lingMeaning* ling_lesson_create_tree lingLesson lesson  ) 

Creates a linked list of all meanings, which are available in the given lesson.

lesson The lesson, for which the meaning tree should be created.
A linked list of meanings of the lesson or NULL if an error occurs.

void ling_lesson_free lingLesson lesson  ) 

Frees the memory hold by a lingLesson.

lesson The lingLesson to free.

int ling_lesson_get_last_meaning_id lingLesson lesson  ) 

Returns the last meaning id of the given lesson.

lesson The lesson, for which the last meaning id should be returned.
The last meaning id of the lesson or -1 on failure.

int ling_lesson_get_meaning_amount lingLesson lesson  ) 

Returns the total amount of meanings for the given lesson.

lesson The lesson, the amount should be got for.
The total amount of meanings or -1 on failure.

char* ling_lesson_get_path lingLesson lesson  ) 

Returns the full qualified file path of the lesson.

lesson The lesson for which the path should be returned.
The lesson path of the lesson.

int ling_lesson_get_translation_amount lingLesson lesson  ) 

Returns the total amount of translations for the given lesson.

lesson The lesson, the amount should be got for.
The total amount of translations or -1 on failure.

lingLesson* ling_lesson_new void   ) 

Creates a new, empty lingLesson. The lingLesson should be freed using ling_lesson_free().

A new, empty lingLesson.

lingLesson* ling_lesson_remove lingLesson lesson,
lingLesson node

Removes a lesson from a lingLesson list and frees it.

lesson The lesson list to the lesson should be removed from.
node The lesson to remove.
The modified lesson list.

lingbool ling_lesson_save_lesson lingLesson lesson,
char *  filename

Saves a lesson into the passed file. If the file does not exist, it will be automatically created, else its contents will be completely overwritten.

lesson The lesson to save.
filename The file to save the lesson to.
TRUE, if the lesson could be saved, else FALSE.

char* ling_lesson_set_path lingLesson lesson,
char *  path

Sets the full qualified file path of the lesson to path and returns it. The return value must not be freed.

lesson The lesson for which the path should be set.
path The path to set.
The new path of the lesson or NULL on error.

void* ling_malloc size_t  size  ) 

Allocates a chunk of memory for usage.

size The amount of bytes to allocate.
A pointer to the newly allocated space.

lingMeaning* ling_meaning_add lingMeaning tree,
lingMeaning meaning

Adds a new meaning at the end of the given meaning list.

tree The meaning list to which the meaning should be added or NULL to start a new list.
meaning The meaning to add to the tree.
The new, modified meaning tree.

lingLesson* ling_meaning_create_lesson lingMeaning meaning,
lingConfig settings,
lingchar type,
lingchar sound

Creates a lingLesson from a list of meanings. The node format is the standard lingoteach lesson format.

meaning The list of meanings to put into the lingLesson.
settings The settings to use for the lingLesson.
type The type (name) of the lesson.
sound The sound subdirectory parameter of the lesson.
the new lingLesson or NULL in case of an error.

void ling_meaning_free lingMeaning meaning  ) 

Frees the memory used by a list of lingMeaning and the lingMeanings itself.

meaning The meaning list to free.

lingMeaning* ling_meaning_free_1 lingMeaning tree,
lingMeaning node

Frees the memory used by a lingMeaning and the lingMeaning itself.

tree The list of meanings, in which the meanings is.
node The meaning, which should be freed.
The new list without the freed meaning.

lingMeaning* ling_meaning_get_by_id lingLesson lesson,
unsigned int  id,
lingchar language

Gets a specific lingMeaning from the given lesson. The lingMeaning has to be freed by the user.

lesson The lesson to get the meaning from.
id The id, which should be searched for.
language The language, which should be used.
a lingMeaning containing the meaning, which has the given id. If none is found with the given language, the function returns NULL.

lingchar* ling_meaning_get_description lingMeaning meaning  ) 

Retrieves the additional description for a specific meaning. The return value has to be freed by the user using ling_free().

meaning The meaning to retrieve the description for.
The description of the meaning in the given language.

lingchar** ling_meaning_get_images lingMeaning meaning  ) 

Returns the path to the images for the given meaning. The result has to be freed by the user using ling_strings_free().

meaning The lingMeaning the images have to be found for.
A NULL-terminated array containing the full qualified paths of the images for that meaning.

lingMInfo* ling_meaning_get_information lingMeaning meaning  ) 

Retrieves additional information of a meaning and returns them. It also fills the info member of the meaning with the return value. Note: If you free the meaning, the lingMInfo return value will be freed, too!

meaning The meaning, the information should be retrieved for.
A lingMInfo with information about the meaning.

lingchar* ling_meaning_get_phonetic lingMeaning meaning  ) 

Retrieves the phonetic transcription for the meaning. The return value has to be freed by the user using ling_free().

meaning The meaning to retrieve the phonetic transcription for.
The phonetic transcription of a meaning translation.

lingchar* ling_meaning_get_sound lingMeaning meaning  ) 

Returns the path to the sound snippet for the given meaning. The result has to be freed by the user.

meaning The lingMeaning the sound snippet has to be found for.
The relative path to the sound snippet of the meaning.

void ling_meaning_info_free lingMInfo info  ) 

Frees the memory used by a lingMInfo and the lingMInfo itself.

info The lingMInfo to free,

lingMInfo* ling_meaning_info_new void   ) 

Creates a new lingMInfo and returns it. The lingMInfo has to be freed by the user.

A new, empty lingMinfo.

lingMeaning* ling_meaning_insert_after lingMeaning tree,
lingMeaning parent,
lingMeaning child

Inserts a meaning after specific meaning into a meaning list.

tree The meaning list to which the meaning should be added.
parent The parent meaning, after which the child should be added.
child The meaning to add.
The new, modified tree.

lingMeaning* ling_meaning_new void   ) 

Creates a new lingMeaning and returns it. The lingMeaning has to be freed by the user.

A new, empty lingMeaning.

lingMeaning* ling_meaning_replace lingMeaning tree,
unsigned int  id,
lingMeaning meaning

Replaces a meaning in the given list of meanings.

tree The list of meanings in which the meaning exists.
id The id of the meaning, which should be replaced.
meaning The meaning to use as replacement.
The tree with the replaced meaning or NULL in case of an error.

void ling_strings_free lingchar **  array  ) 

Frees an array of strings, which was previously allocated by the libraray.

array The string array to free.

Generated on Thu Apr 21 16:59:41 2005 for liblingoteach by  doxygen 1.4.1